Sold [Eu] End game. Guardian in all content. 20 LD5, ALL Nat5! Nephtys Han Viva

Discussion in 'Summoners War Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by staylingestwa, 3/3/25 at 7:48 AM.

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  1. staylingestwa

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    This account is capable of doing everything you want. Sadly, due to my 2nd child beeing born soon, I barely have time to play this anymore and have been quite inactive for several months now. I have been doing all events and dailies and guild events, but invested next to no time into RTA or Arena.

    This is probably the best account that has been sold on this site for quite a while.

    You want to...
    Play in a G3 siege guild? easily
    Play G2+ RTA? YES (Beeing stable G3 might be a bit rough, but its not impossible with good gameplay. There are several Obabo videos where he fights against this account, he wins most matches tho).
    Try to reach legend in Arena? Rank 8 was already achieved, you can probably do even better

    Not only does the account have every single elemental Nat 5 (and ofc nat4), it also has every single LD nat 4 (minus light hynomeow. This one is likely to be an upcoming HoH tho). It also has 4 or 5 dark robots, 3 light Nezuko (new Colab, monster that can solo siege towers) and 3 or 4 kinkis (and many many more, just to name a few important ones).

    I need to add, that I am actually missing 3 ele Nat5, but I also have 1x Ancient Trans and 2x 10year Ancient Trans (which is technically the same, but also even better as you can save them up for future monster releases).

    But now to the good part, it is stacked with OP LD 5s:
    - Han
    - Nephthys
    - Doburoku (Dark Megumi non Colab Version)
    - Vivachel
    - Dark Bayek (Assasins Creed Colab Version)
    - Giselle (Dark Hollyberry non Colab Version)
    - Destiny
    - Ritsu
    - KiKi
    - Bella
    - Lydia
    - Jaara

    - Narsha (light Beast Rider)
    - Valantis
    - Mortera (new Specter Princess)
    - Birgitta (light Ciri non Witcher Colab Version)
    - Pure Vanilla Cookie (Cookie Colab Version)
    - Shun
    - Daniel (lol, my irl Name)
    - Wedjat
    Total: 20 (I think lol)

    Additional Benefits:

    - Swift will: +224 (viva 113 base)
    - Swift broken: +230 (viva 113 base)
    - Vio will: +198
    - Despair will: +190
    - Arena Rank 8
    - Worldboss Rank 29
    - RTA regular G1 easily (if actively playing G2 is also np)
    - 5 or 6 Leos (for siege mostly, using only 2-3 in RTA)
    - 3 Tiana, 2 Feng, 2 Poseidon, 5 Dark robo, 2 Camilla, and several more nat5 dupes for siege usage mostly.
    (see screenshots for prove of all those)

    - It features ~5 billion mana, so if you dont like farming, you will never have to.

    - ~6k crystals (premium currency)
    - 5 thousand runes
    - 3.2k Grind/gems
    - 1.8k artifacts

    How to play this account in RTA for G2:
    First pick Han.
    2nd Pick Doburoku
    3rd-5th Pick depending if speed or non speed: Viva, Nephthys, Bella, Dark Robo, Leo (forces either a leo or a viva ban, so the rest of your combo goes through).

    If you have any Questions, let me know!

    This is an EU Server Account. The Account details have never been given away, no one has ever palyed on this account but me.

    more info discord : kreexdred2

    ss :
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