Selling  PoGo Account from 2016 day game was launched

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Accounts for Sale - Buy POGO Account' started by RogerPec, 3/2/25 at 8:58 AM.

  1. RogerPec

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    My Location:
    account from July 2016 day of the launch (24 pokemon still date from 2016)
    Pokedex : 874 seen and 872 caught (99% of the 872 different ones are kept in storage)
    Total Over 2200 pokemon in storage
    151 kanto, 100 Johto & 135 Hoenn

    Event Pokemon : >200 (Over 160 different - 50 different pikachu including pikachu libre)
    Mythical : Over 40 (14 different) ;
    Legendary: Over 200 (52 different)

    over 1500 3 stars (Over 840 differents) + 67 100% including metagross, togekiss, groudon, bastiodon, rhyperior, altaria, swampert, machamp ,blastoise,mammoswine...

    all three galarian bird zapdos,articuno and moltres caught and saved.
    still one Master Ball available

    Shiny : >250 in storage (221 Different ones in storage) => Pokedex : 300 different shiny in Pokedex entries
    42 dynamax (39 different ones)

    All 18 vivillon caught and evolved. -
    Mega : 43 different Mega evolved (Only #127 missing).

    Pokemon over 3000 CP : 53
    Pokemon over 4000 CP : 9 (including a 100% Groudon and a 98% Kyogre)

    one Gholdengo 96% with 3957 CP (2 gimmighoul 93% as well),5 meltan (one 96% & another one shiny ) + 6 melmetal one 93% over 4000 CP, 1 96% 2499CP, one shiny, one XXL...)

    tornadus landorus, thunderus (both incarnate & therian forms ).
    1 cosmog+ 1 Cosmoem + 1 solgaleo & 1 lunala .
    Charcadets + 1 Aramrouge +1Ceruledge .
    > 10 different unown.
    6 hisui pokedex entry + Typhlosion & Samurott & Decidueye (all 3 >90%).
    6 forms of Spinda.

    Over 100 Collection challenge, 17 platinum medals, also 17 platinum medal for pokemon type all except dragon (gold) -

    new pokestop from level 40 not created yet.

    I travel quite a lot for work, therefore a lot of regionals (except bouffalant, hawlucha stonjourner & Comfey that are missing)