Selling  Many Chars Wizard 101 US Account Fire and Death School Max Level 170 Cheap and Rare Stuff

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hxrxde, 3/2/25 at 5:27 AM.

  1. Hxrxde

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    Hello everyone,

    Price:450$ (not less then 400$)
    Payment Methods. Paypal or Crypto Voucher

    since i stopped playing on the US Server i sell my Account with Max Level Characters
    and best gear ingame :)
    it got a lot of rare not anymore obtainable items and badges. Including rare items that wont come back to the crown shop.
    I want somebody else to have fun with this account so i sell it cheap (and i invested 3000 euroo or more into this account.)
    Membership is until june active.
    Masterpassword will be given out and if you want you can test the account by yourself just ask me
    if you have any more questions - feel free to ask me!
    DC oh_aqua

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