I buy accounts from the marketplace, and many people sell accounts at lower prices in Telegram groups. Please stop harassing me. If you don’t have anything else to do, I suggest finding a more productive way to spend your time
@Hulk @Middleman @Admin please ban this scammer, he’s spamming all threads and keep scamming people. i am also victim, please ban this scammer
@AltafAli7861, this person is my competitor selling social media accounts like I do. They’ve left fake comments on my profile, and when I asked for proof, they blocked me. Please see the screenshot as evidence. I have never scammed this person, and they’ve never even tried to test me. All the comments they left are fake.
I have limited comments for these two users in order to leave this thread for 1 week when the hulk returns. Because it's just spam right now. AltafAli7861 = Frost Loom Two weeks ago, he(Frost Loom) exposed this fraudster(adeft/AgileBuy) and then started doing exactly the same thing himself. It's sad. This thread(from Frost Loom) is missing, but you can easily find it because it is hidden or deleted. In this thread, there was a video proof on how adeft/AgileBuy creates fake middleman conversations with telegrams on behalf of Middleman. @Hulk The scammers on this site feel more confident than the legitimate sellers, and this issue needs to be addressed. The funniest thing is that I exposed them, but it has gone unaddressed for several weeks, and my claims will only be validated later. I personally contacted this scammer and saw the same links as he provided in already suspended accounts to accounts (he offers them but can't prove them), the same photos, and the same fraudulent scheme. Read through his previous threads and you'll see the same method of social engineering and imitation of the victim's behavior. Premier status, fake middleman, and attacking sellers when they expose this. At first, he said that he was reselling accounts, then he said that he was doing it using the smm panel. It looks pathetic, because it's obvious that this person can't even confirm the availability of the product. Even 1 account has not been verified, Any seller will do it if asked about it. I've been in this business for 7 years and I know what's real and what's not real. At this time, he continues to generate threads about selling millions of followers for several thousand dollars. It's just ridiculous.
ok. Next: current https://www.playerup.com/threads/pr...e-email-fully-verified.6416228/#post-42126224 old https://www.playerup.com/threads/tw...remium-quality-instant.6410085/#post-41967157 same tg
hard spam from same person old: https://www.playerup.com/threads/tw...dges-organic-followers.6408772/#post-41903325 accounts: https://www.playerup.com/threads/tw...mail-number-changeable.6412877/#post-42051144 https://www.playerup.com/threads/tw...dges-organic-followers.6412920/#post-42051990 https://www.playerup.com/threads/tw...dges-organic-followers.6412984/#post-42053400 same tg or whatsapp
same telegram https://www.playerup.com/threads/6416637/ https://www.playerup.com/threads/6415837/ https://www.playerup.com/threads/6414288/
new https://www.playerup.com/threads/tw...ive-followers-og-email.6422123/#post-42317949 https://www.playerup.com/threads/tw...pto-followers-og-email.6405911/#post-41776237 old proof about scam(same telegram) https://www.playerup.com/threads/tw...ive-followers-og-email.6404563/#post-41716834
current https://www.playerup.com/threads/6418777/ https://www.playerup.com/threads/6419822/ https://www.playerup.com/threads/6321839/ old proof about scam(same whatsapp) https://www.playerup.com/threads/6363547/
(same telegram) new https://www.playerup.com/threads/tw...cess-og-mail-no-strike.6421297/#post-42297104 https://www.playerup.com/members/marshall-john.1842956/ old banned https://www.playerup.com/threads/tw...ctive-engaged-audience.6407303/#post-41843894
same tg new https://www.playerup.com/threads/1k...ium-for-branding-dm-me.6423701/#post-42344660 https://www.playerup.com/members/accurasocial.1843627/ old https://www.playerup.com/threads/pr...rred-payment-method-dm.6417452/#post-42161495
https://www.playerup.com/threads/se...-account-active-real-14-6k-followers.6387826/ same paki scammer , with premium and dodge all secure ways
same whatsapp current https://www.playerup.com/threads/24...ilable-no-restrictions.6374589/#post-40799356 https://www.playerup.com/members/hansdogen.1824492/ old https://www.playerup.com/threads/tw...gagement-ads-usa-regio.6355959/#post-40468513
same whatsapp https://www.playerup.com/threads/1k...very-cheapest-accounts.6427753/#post-42441162 https://www.playerup.com/threads/1k...very-cheapest-accounts.6426788/#post-42419576 https://www.playerup.com/posts/42211987/ https://www.playerup.com/members/twittermedia.1837319/ https://www.playerup.com/members/logithec.1830158/ https://www.playerup.com/members/tomjerry.1830473/
same telegram current https://www.playerup.com/threads/6428414/ https://www.playerup.com/threads/6426049/ https://www.playerup.com/members/bailey-cakes.1844328/ https://www.playerup.com/members/pixel-pop.1844918/ old https://www.playerup.com/threads/6424078/
same person. proof https://www.playerup.com/members/social-cave.1774293/ https://www.playerup.com/members/arslan-techi.1785233/ https://www.playerup.com/members/khubaib2021.1783864/ proof of scam in reviews https://www.playerup.com/members/nextgen-social.1834237/
same telegram . this is all same guy with 100+ accs with same spam threads https://www.playerup.com/members/frontier-ltd.1846170/ https://www.playerup.com/members/maslow-cortix.1846780/ https://www.playerup.com/threads/ve...-and-organic-followers.6432445/#post-42588636 https://www.playerup.com/threads/tw...tent-creator-high-daily-interactions.6434579/