BEST 1M PING TRADE Funds Never Leave Your Bank Account

Discussion in 'TikTok Other Services for Sale | Buy Sell TikTok Services' started by /u/InterviewAware653, 2/28/25.

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  1. /u/InterviewAware653

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    1. Participant submits an up-to-date CIS (template attached), # photo and Proof of Funds.

    2. Full value Participant deposits a minimum of $/€500,000 as a guarantee for the tasks of his part with an escrow agent of their choice. The escrow agent must be acceptable to the company appointed for the clearing process below.

    3. OR we can engage the Participant with a 50% Joint venture partner who then both contribute $/€250,000 to the escrow agent as defined in 2. above.

    4. A company registered with the FCA, UK – has given a mandate to one of our partners to manage securities lending operations for financial instruments such as SBLCs, Bank Guarantees and MTNs.

    5. The partner company opens an account in Euroclear for the participant where the owner of the asset deposits the securities requested

    6. From the applicant's Euroclear account – with the underlying asset deposited – a banking instrument is issued directly to the bank chosen by the applicant as recipient.

    7. The banking instrument is, therefore, proprietary, even if it expires.

    8. Once the due diligence has been carried out a contract is issued within three working days between the participant and the company in charge of the clearing (our partner).

    9. Payment for the instrument (15%) is required by 21 days from receipt of the Swift MT 760 at the recipient bank.

    10. One of our three partner banks immediately monetizes the bank instrument at 70% LTV

    11. The 15% instrument lease cost is immediately settled well within the 21-day window.

    12. The remaining money from the monetization of the bank instrument, dependent upon the

    LTV, will be between $/€100 million and $/€135 million; this is traded by our trade desk

    partners in London.

    1. Participant receives 20% net per month for 10 months (or half share if 50/50 option) return

    on their €500,000 entry collateral i.e. €200 Million or 400X their collateral over 10 months.

    1. The banking procedure includes:

    - Swift MT 799 with notice

    - Swift MT 799 RWA

    - Swift MT 760 sending

    [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

    # #/InterviewAware653
    . .
    #1 /u/InterviewAware653, 2/28/25
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/9/25 at 9:14 AM
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