I indeed blocked u/okstupit and said all the things in the chat. But! I didn't delete any 5 star weapons or 5 star artefacts, because they were none to begin with. Under my posession, I ascended the world lvl, farmed boss mats for cyno and nahida, lvl-ed them up w the help of my friend. I optimized their artefacts because I wanted to not struggle fighting mobs in overworld. And u/okstupit didn't say that they will be taking the account back, but I asked them several times if they are okay w me keeping it. I got used to the account in couple days and was upset when he wrote to me that they are taking the account back. It was clearly a miscommunication thing, because if they came up to me and reminded to find an acc for them, I would start the search immediately. Otherwise, I didn't think he was in a rush and I was finding other accs for people, because they were bombing my dms and Im quite busy trade and account finder. I got up to 5 reqs to find accs daily. On weekends it can be up to 10. So it was clearly a miscommunication thing. If Ok-stupit thinks that I indeed trashed their account, alright, I dont have any proof of that, but the account was ascended and cyno/nahida were lvled up. Im sorry if I hurt them, and I would like to resolve this issue. # #/Greedy-Asparagus-329 . .