Sold Kronos Reboots Adele lvl282 - 64.6K STR - CP187M / Genesis Weapon / Legion 9162 / 11Mule / 4Vacpet /

Discussion in 'Maplestory Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by monteresio4, 2/26/25 at 8:04 AM.

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  1. monteresio4

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    My Location:
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    Main Adele level 282 - 64.6K STR - CP 187M - have meso&drop gear - Continous and Crisis HM and Totalling and Health cut Ring level 4 and RoR3 ring / Genesis weapon and have Vac pet 4 in this char / Very strong Grind and boss class and very funny to play

    Mule 1.Shadower level 260 - 28.7K Luk Gear time out 3/19/2025 but i have Permanant CRA set already need to Potential

    2.Night walker level 230 - 22.3K Luk

    3.Kinesis level 260 - 22.8K INT

    4.Hero level 230 - 22.5K STR

    5.Wind Archer level 250 - 25K DEX

    6.Buccaneer level 251 - 24.6K STR

    7.Marksman level 233 - 23.5K DEX

    8.Shadower level 230 - 22.6K Luk

    9.Dawn warrior level 226 - 22K STR

    10.Lynn level 245 - 25.8K INT

    11.Khali level 231 - 12.2K LUK

    Legion 9162 legion coin 13k and Artifact level 43 and have Abyssal block

    Many Fashion in Adele and Khali

    Many item in Storage item buff Nodestone700+ and Broken Heart and Monster park coin 6000+ and many Magnificient boss

    Link skill level 3 complete without Kaizer + HP% not important

    Great account for you all link skill level 3 and many nodestone and item buff for you.You can make your new favourite char very easy.

    No security question and not link anything

    Very safe and clean account play with hand only no botter and macro

    Instant Delivery

    Very cheap because quit play

    You can change account email.

    Message for more info if don't sleep I'll respond quickly.

    discord : elmachado2

    ss :
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