Cheap top up service •No login for iOS or Android | Limited regions @ me or PM for placing an order and checking availability! •All purchases and pins are legally obtained and are from my personal accounts, I assure maximum safety. •Top ups are done with legit methods, no hacks, mods or any sort of illicit things. Delivery time between 5 min to 24 hours! *Important Note* I can’t refund after order is delivered! Don’t decide you don’t need anymore after service is completed and please refrain from chargebacks since I’m using my personal accounts for this!!! •My service works for almost all games available on play markets, if you want combine bundles to get cheaper prices just write! Price list: 1000 Platinum @ 70$ 5x 1000 Platinum @ 310$ 10x @ me to negotiate and check availability! Send me a PM here or for faster response add me on Discord. Copy Paste please to avoid impersonators! Discord: stepshop Telegram: stepshopimstuck