Sold Selling End Game Divine Pet Accounts [Mod & 300+ Vouches] (New stock)

Discussion in 'Realm of the Mad God Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/BlueGandl, 2/18/25 at 3:32 PM.

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  1. /u/BlueGandl

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    Selling End game Accounts with divine pets etc. Currently got 2 accounts in stock

    Acc 1:

    Selling INSANE End Game Full Access Account (with full email access):
    Perfect 100/100/100 pet
    Over 30 character slots
    Over 400 vault slots & 192 pot storage
    TONS of alive fame (850.000+)
    Several TOP ranked characters by fame (some top 100 and some top 10)
    Over 400 Exaltations (3 chars MAX exalted)
    Nice one word IGN
    BUNCH of rare whites (For example over 30 hardmode crowns, several even whites etc)
    High rank (close to white star)

    Acc 2:

    Selling INSANE End Game Full Access Account
    White Star
    Perfect 100/100 pet
    Over 40 character slots
    Almost 700 vault slots
    Tons of fame (350k+ alive fame)
    Several top 1000 chars uncluding top 100 chars
    Close to 300 Exaltations
    VERY nice one word IGN
    Several 4/4 stacked chars (all chars with super nice Dyes)
    MAX pot storage

    Moderator & I've got around 300 vouches on reddit including the ones I have on playerup.äffäs_vouch_thread/äffäs_vouch_thread/

    Please DM me on discord. I reply way faster there. I do try to respond on playerup as much as I can as well.

    Discord: .affa.
    Make sure the ID matches: 415437734463930371

    # #/BlueGandl
    # .
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