Sold Arena 2 level 14

Discussion in 'Clash Royale Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/TheRandomOne313, 2/12/25.

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  1. /u/TheRandomOne313

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    Heya, here is just one random more of the internet with a question. Its been like 2 months since i've started this idea of making a challenge. "Maxing out all the carts I obtain from every arena" (until level 14 i won't do it until 15 i'm not a masochistic)

    Note: I try to post also the pictures of my account but idk why it doesn't let me do it :[.

    I'm slowly making my progress leveling my cards with just chests (and 2 pass royals i'm not going to hide it) but i have a little question with my cards. Mostly because its easier to level commons i have 3 max cards of them, but rare...

    My pov rare quality is like an epic to normal players. I can just have 1 card from the normal chest (if i'm lucky) and 3-4 on the golden ones. believe me, leveling rare cards its very difficult with my loot options. That's the reason i got this question,

    ¿if i have a card at level 14 does it reduce the rate of it?

    Like yeah i can have other normal card but at least having it at 14 reduce in a minimun way the spawn rate of it?

    Thanks for your time :). I'm not making this challenge for its difficulty, this is a perseverance thing, not a hardcore one life nuzlocke level 1 challenge.

    ............ (Is someone ask the rukes of this 'challenge' here they are) Until all my cards are minimun in lv 14 i can't level my arena.

    I had to make a little exception on arena 1 due to the imposibility of lowering cups (for chests). The minimun require for start this its to be atleast at level at 8. Something imposible on this arena (level 8 is the minimun level for playing the season games, 2vs2 and that stuff), i don't have the patience enough to wait every day to claim the free cards for just be at level 8 so i decide to just go to arena 2 for start the challenge.

    I'm not an exception even i'm an arena 2 player i have a clan. If they ask for donations i donate, not because this challenge i have the privilege to be selfish. It was just a random clan at the start but I have the luck that is a very active clan even if we don't talk to much we basically finish every clan war at first place all the times so i also play (the only diference is that i just have 2 decks for the low quantity of cards i have, also its a very decent way for farming gold in the training time before collecting points).

    # #/TheRandomOne313
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