Hello everyone, I would like to sell my two year old Arknights Account. Some points to advertise my Account: - 56 six stars in total - 8 of which are limited six stars with 7 leveled to E2 lvl 80 with masteries (Chongyue, Gavi-alter, Wis'adel, Eyja-alter, Ela, Yato-alter, Texas-alter, Ash) - 79.5% of all characters, 269 Operators - 661 Originite Prime - 143K Orundum - apparently 91 Outfits, some of which are live 2D - all story missions and side missions played but still some challenge modes available - all but IS 1 played Name Change Card available in shop. Preferred payment on Paypal. Discord Name: Ericnummer1#6922 Here some pictures: https://playerup.b-cdn.net/s3/xf/in.../8667138-d582b52e5e0a747dd13f1118fcf9039c.png https://playerup.b-cdn.net/s3/xf/in.../8667111-3f42f4edff0826197b9c6b882cf6c52c.png I can't figure out how to post pics here. If you want to see some pictures follow this link: https://www.playerup.com/threads/ar...8-limited-⭐6-661-op-and-143k-orundum.2940432/ Or search the Account and the site manually if you don't trust links. GuardianOfAvernus is my name on the site playerup.
H there. Hope you are doing well. I would love to buy what you are selling now. If you would love to discuss further, please contact me via these apps: Discord: helios_1016 Telegram: @Helios1016 Skype: live:.cid.23cc206009ade513 Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards. Helios