Selling sell char GDMO tamer and name:thomas,arcsky234...

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jonathan Salim, 4/25/12.

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  1. Jonathan Salim

    Jonathan Salim
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    sell char GDMO tamer and name:thomas,arcsky234 server levia tamer level 31 digi: gaomon starter level 41(100%) exveemon level 42 open fighter 3/5(87%) dobermon level open ulti 4/5(113%) gabumon level open champ(115%) veedramon level 16 open champ 3/5(83%) duit sekarat;item banyak attribute(buat apa y???),ada 12 xp bost 300%,10 bost 200%,green crystal,2 core,17 jump boster western;inven 5 baris;storage 4 baris;ada beberapa egg trade with 2 mode selector lucemon,pm,fast nv:butuh mode select,info lebih lanjut pm
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  2. OP
    Daniel Lanvin Werinussa

    Daniel Lanvin Werinussa
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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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