Selling Komitmen Vroze Shop untuk menjadi yang termurah...

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lo Testoni, 4/24/12.

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  1. Lo Testoni

    Lo Testoni
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    Komitmen Vroze Shop untuk menjadi yang termurah kini harga psilk = harga silk, bahkan lebih murah!!! hanya di Vroze Shop !!! Silk All Server (pake id pass) 50 Silk = Rp 55.000 100 Silk = Rp 105.000 150 Silk = Rp 155.000 200 Silk = Rp 205.000 250 Silk = Rp 255.000 300 Silk = Rp 305.000 350 Silk = Rp 355.000 400 Silk = Rp 400.000 450 Silk = Rp 450.000 500 Silk + BONUS 25 Silk = Rp 500.000 1000 Silk + BONUS 50 Silk = Rp 990.000 PSilk All Server (tanpa id pass, kode voucher) 50 PSilk = Rp 55.000 100 PSilk = Rp 105.000 150 PSilk = Rp 155.000 200 PSilk = Rp 205.000 250 PSilk = Rp 255.000 300 PSilk = Rp 305.000 350 PSilk = Rp 355.000 400 PSilk = Rp 400.000 450 PSilk = Rp 450.000 500 PSilk + BONUS 25 PSilk = Rp 500.000 700 PSilk + BONUS 50 PSilk = Rp 690.000 1000 PSilk + BONUS 100 PSilk = Rp 980.000 Bits Lucemon & Leviamon 100M = Rp 2.700 500M = Rp 13.000 1T = Rp 25.000 2T = Rp 50.000 3T = Rp 70.000 5T = Rp 110.000 10T = Rp 210.000 15T = Rp 307.500 20T = Rp 400.000 Bits Lilithmon 100M = Rp 3.500 500M = Rp 16.000 1T = Rp 30.000 2T = Rp 60.000 3T = Rp 85.000 5T = Rp 140.000 10T = Rp 270.000 15T = Rp 390.000 20T = Rp 500.000 Harap maklum stock tidak selalu ada & terbatas !!! Harap perhatikan jam buka lapak terbaru Vroze Shop berikut : Senin - Jumat 12.00-13.00 17.30-18.00 20.30-22.00 Sabtu, Minggu, Tanggal Merah/Libur 22.00-24.00 Semua transaksi hanya bisa diproses pada jam diatas !!! Contact Person : Fast Response selama tidak sibuk / otw / tidur Ingat Seller juga manusia, punya kesibukan & kerjaan selain jualan, jadi kalo lom dibales mohon ditunggu, pasti nanti ane bales HP : 021-41335758 SMS Only Whatsapp : 021-41335758 Pin BB : 317121FE Email & YM : [email protected]
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    Ndot Ferdianto

    Ndot Ferdianto
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    via ap gan ..?
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    Randy Sriwidianto

    Randy Sriwidianto
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    via pulsa bisa gan>
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    Lo Testoni

    Lo Testoni
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    bca/mandiri aja gan
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    Lo Testoni

    Lo Testoni
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    mau rekber ato setor tunai jg ok
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    Muhammad Aiman Sayyid Noor

    Muhammad Aiman Sayyid Noor
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    gan bantu ane bantu up dulu yaa kalo udah ada duitnya baru ane beli
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    Muhammad Aiman Sayyid Noor

    Muhammad Aiman Sayyid Noor
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    Muhammad Aiman Sayyid Noor

    Muhammad Aiman Sayyid Noor
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    Akmal Satriawaka

    Akmal Satriawaka
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    mantau dulu deh. nunggu komentar pembelinya. hha
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    Muhammad Aiman Sayyid Noor

    Muhammad Aiman Sayyid Noor
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    sip deh ane mau beli yg 1100 ps gan lagi ngumpulin
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    Ndot Ferdianto

    Ndot Ferdianto
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    ^tajir amat
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    Lo Testoni

    Lo Testoni
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    link lapak & testi : ketik dmo shop termurah di google, buka link pertama, ke page 1
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    Lo Testoni

    Lo Testoni
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    Lo Testoni

    Lo Testoni
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    Lo Testoni

    Lo Testoni
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    Lo Testoni

    Lo Testoni
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  17. OP
    Daniel Lanvin Werinussa

    Daniel Lanvin Werinussa
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