Have you guys noticed how a lot of items on the game are becoming vip exclusive that weren’t before. So the other day I was doing a big closet clean out because I have a lot of stuff on my account I don’t wear. I made an art book with all the old items I bought so I could give them away, some stuff rare others were regular shop items. When people were requesting items I noticed almost allllllllll the items I had could only be given players with vip. This is really strange because I’ve been playing since the first day beta opened and I just got around to buying vip last year. Most of the items were purchased when I was not vip. This was mainly seen with event items. I think we all know but in case you don’t— msp puts labels on things that are vip and diamond. A lot of my event items had both labels! I was so confused and felt so bad I couldn’t give non vip’s hardly anything even though that’s the main group of players who I wanted to give items to. I think msp is doing this so more people have to buy vip if they want anything. What strengthened my feelings on this was the new Valentine’s Day emotes being only available to purchase from the vip lounge and all of them being either vip or diamond items. What do you guys think is going on? # #/SyaSye # .