Selling tanya donk.. Intimacy tu apa? gunanya buat apa?...

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Randy Sriwidianto, 5/2/12.

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  1. Randy Sriwidianto

    Randy Sriwidianto
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    tanya donk.. Intimacy tu apa? gunanya buat apa? kok klo mati smakin kurang? maximalnya brp? maap newbie server Barbamon nick: Randy
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    Joshua Jeremy Paath

    Joshua Jeremy Paath
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    maximal tergantung level digi Intimacy itu kedekatan anda dengan Digimon Semakin banyak intimacy itu nambahin ke stat digimon CMIIW
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    Randy Sriwidianto

    Randy Sriwidianto
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    lah smakin tinggi damage smakin gede? naikin intimacy gmn nih? masa intimacy cmn 20..
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    Faisal Akbar

    Faisal Akbar
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    intimacy=kemesraan itu menunjukkan seberapa mesranya agan sama digi agan
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    Randy Sriwidianto

    Randy Sriwidianto
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    beh klo ma rosemon sih oke.. klo ma agumon? =="
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    Sandy Fatria

    Sandy Fatria
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    intimacy = friendliness, semakin tinggi intimacy semakin tinggi stats tamer di transfer ke stats digi. champ = 15, ulti = 25, mega = 35. maxnya 35 klo ga pk costume
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