Selling  51-60  Android and iOS Boom Beach Single Player Mode account, HQ lvl 21, Exp lvl 53, Statues: TH/th/TD/td/GE/ge/ge/RR/rr/rr

Discussion in 'Boom Beach Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by BoomBeach12411, 2/2/25.

  1. BoomBeach12411

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Gold Status: This user has successfully completed 50+ middleman transactions

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    This is Boom Beach Single Player Mode account.

    If you have no idea what it is about, you can Google it and find the details.

    Please you know the pros and cons and details well before your purchase because once you purchase it, you can NOT return it.

    The first thing you need to double check after your purchase: The map.
    Make sure it is the Single Player Mode map.

    Pretty interesting play style if you want a different experience, hate getting raided, prefer things slow and steady, not looking at competitive play, and if you are extremely careful with your fingers.

    Here is where caution comes in handy. If you accidentally unlocked a region with mercenary bases, you will be put in the matchmaking pool and there is no turning back, so be careful, especially when collecting diamond chests that are near the borders!

    I only accept Paypal payment to me directly. Make sure I will receive posted price after the transaction fee if there is. (Please do NOT make Middleman offer.)

    The price is fixed. (Please do not ask again.)

    My post status is up-to-date. If the status is SELLING, it means it is available. (Please do not ask again.)

    Note: The Supercell ID email is For free version, you need to login once every six months in order to keep it active. You can download app to your smartphone and run once every six months. Or you can change the Supercell ID email to your email address by yourself.

    The player name is changeable.

    Please use [email protected] for communication. (No Discord, Whatsapp)
    #1 BoomBeach12411, 2/2/25
    Last edited: 2/2/25