Selling Stock Egg Lucemon: ExV-mon 3/5 Champ = Rp...

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bimo Tyastomo, 5/27/12.

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  1. Bimo Tyastomo

    Bimo Tyastomo
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    Stock Egg Lucemon: ExV-mon 3/5 Champ = Rp 15.000,- (3) ExV-mon 3/5 Ultimate = Rp 20.000,- (2) ExV-mon 3/5 Mega = Rp 30.000,- ExV-mon 4/5 Champ = Rp 110.000,- (2) Lopmon 4/5 Champ = Rp 100.000,- Dracomon Green 4/5 Champ= Rp 90.000,- Guilmon 4/5 Champ = Rp 100.000,- Togemon 4/5 Champ = Rp 90.000,- (2) Wormmon 4/5 Champ = Rp 100.000,- Terriermon 5/5 Champ = Rp 280.000,- Agumon 5/5 Champ = Rp 330.000,- (BOOKED TILL MONDAY) Stock Egg Leviamon: Renamon 3/5 Champ = Rp 15.000,- Monodramon 3/5 Champ = Rp 15.000,- (3) Monodramon 3/5 Ultimate = Rp 20.000,- Monodramon 4/5 Ultimate = Rp 110.000,- Wormmon 4/5 Champ = Rp 100.000,- Tentomon 4/5 Champ = Rp 100.000,- Agumon 4/5 Champ = Rp 100.000,- Dracomon Blue 4/5 Champ = Rp 100.000,- Stock Egg Lilithmon: Agumon 3/5 Champ = Rp 15.000,- (3) Agumon 3/5 Ultimate = Rp 20.000,- (4) Agumon 3/5 Mega = Rp 30.000,- Agumon 4/5 Champ = Rp 100.000,- (3) Salamon 3/5 Ultimate= Rp 20.000,- Lopmon 3/5 Champ = Rp 15.000,- Lopmon 3/5 Ultimate = Rp 20.000,- (3) Lopmon 3/5 Mega = Rp 30.000,- (4) Lopmon 4/5 Ultimate = Rp 110.000,- Stock Egg Barbamon: Terriermon 3/5 Champ = Rp 15.000,- Tentomon 3/5 Champ = Rp 15.000,- Tentomon 3/5 Ultimate = Rp 20.000,- Minat? SMS 081287279721 BB PIN 29CC8DD0 YM bimotyastomo
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  2. OP
    Bimo Tyastomo

    Bimo Tyastomo
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    via BCA
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    Bimo Tyastomo

    Bimo Tyastomo
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    Bimo Tyastomo

    Bimo Tyastomo
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    Bimo Tyastomo

    Bimo Tyastomo
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    Bimo Tyastomo

    Bimo Tyastomo
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    Tera Luce 1T=15k 7T=100k
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    Bimo Tyastomo

    Bimo Tyastomo
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    Agu 5/5 Sold Worm 4/5 Sold New Stock Lopmon 4/5 Champ 100rb Tera Luce 1T=15k 7T=100k
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    Bimo Tyastomo

    Bimo Tyastomo
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    Muhammad Arga Firdaus

    Muhammad Arga Firdaus
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    Bimo Tyastomo

    Bimo Tyastomo
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