Selling --- lucemon --- 1t= 10k (via atm) stok terbatas...

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Wen Singz, 6/11/12.

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  1. Wen Singz

    Wen Singz
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    --- lucemon --- 1t= 10k (via atm) stok terbatas setiap hari nya.. agumon 5/5 champ 200k renamon 5/5 champ 200k (Stok 5) salamon 5/5 champ 300k (Stok 1) lopmon 5/5 champ 300k patamon 5/5 champ 300k (stok 2) renamon 4/5 ulti 90k (stok 2) agumon 4/5 champ 70k (stok9) renamon 4/5 champ 70k (stok 18) salamon 4/5 champ 100k guilmon 4/5 champ 100k lopmon 4/5 champ 100k mono 4/5 champ 100k Via BCA minat sms ja 0899-4832-777 thanks^^
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  2. OP
    Wen Singz

    Wen Singz
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    update: patamon 5/5 300k (stok 5)
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  3. OP
    Wen Singz

    Wen Singz
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    update: Stok tera 140t.. ^^
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  4. OP
    Wen Singz

    Wen Singz
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