Sold Veteran acc | 17 char | rare pvp rewards and cosmetics

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by simplicityfy, 1/31/25.

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  1. simplicityfy

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    For any specific question feel free to message me anytime.

    discord : jeronimocha

    asking price 140 $

    ss :

    3000 Cartel Coin, 1700M+ credits in legacy bank, security key attached for extra cartel coin; removing it upon purchase.

    17 Characters, all level 80 (total of both sides) on Darth Malgus server, full tank/healer/dps gear item rating 344, maxed implants for all roles 340item rating, mostly gold augmented.
    + 1 character boost(s)
    Title: Gate Crasher, Dread Master, from Beyond, Dragonslayer, the Eternal warrior, S-1 All-star

    ranked pvp rewards:
    Season1: weapon (infiltrator) & armor (infiltrator) & mount

    season3: all weapons & all armors (furious)

    Season4: all weapons (swashbuckler)

    season5: all weapons (gladiatorial) & mount.

    All HK-55 promotional items
    Darth Malgus holostatue
    All Dark vs. Light Event Items(armors & mount)
    Crest of the dread master
    Fully unlocked & decorated Dromund kaas/Coruscant, Nar shaddaa stronghold
    All galactic season items and pvp season rewards so far.

    Wings of the architect
    Giradda's rancor
    Woodland Varactyl (Account)
    Coastal Varactyl
    Cartel decadent skiff
    Cyberclaw vorantikus
    Marsh hunter acklay
    ... and more

    Cartel Market unlocks:
    All quick bars (Account)
    Section X (Account)
    All crew skill slot (Account)
    Artifact equipment authorization (Account)
    All inventory modules (Account)
    Unify colors (Account)
    Hide Head slot (Account)
    All Species unlocked except Cathar
    Mercenary contract: Treek (Account)
    VIP lounge wristband (Account)
    deluxe's edition items

    Volatile weapon tuning (Account), Overcharged weapon tuning, Lightning weapon tuning, incinerator weapon tuning (account)
    Thexan armor (Account), Satele shan armor (Account),Commander Vizla armor set, armor of darth revan,
    Jedi strategist armor set, secret agent armor set (account), Ruthless Scion's armor set (account)
    Dramatic extrovert's armor set (Account), havoc squad armor set (account), tactical infantry armor set, tulak hord's armor set(account)
    Zakuulan preserver armor set
    Unstable arbiter's lightsaber (Account)
    Unstable arbiter's dualsaber (Account)
    Unstable peacemaker lightsaber (Account)
    Defiant vented lightsaber (Account)
    Advanced white eviscerating crystal (Account) and more color crystals
    Regen items (Examples:Music therapy probe, kolto tank, Gree hypergate etc.)
    Kreia's armor,Darth Sion's armor,
    Freddon Nadd armor pieces
    Sand People pillager armor set
    Ceremonial guard armor set
    Snowtrooper armor set, Ajunta paal set, relentless hunter aromr set, jarael armor set, mythosaur hunter armor set
  2. Semitrap

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