Selling Selling Uft/s 5idlz urs + 13 urs en, 2idlz urs + 7urs en and more

Discussion in 'Love Live! Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by aydowntnow, 1/17/17.

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  1. aydowntnow

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    UFT/S various accounts on EN/JP

    Most of the basic info are on the imgur link. Feel free to ask for more info/proof if they interests you.

    5idlz URs + 13 URs EN account = 180+ USD
    2idlz URs + 7URs EN account = 75 USD
    1idlz UR + 5 URs EN account = 45 USD
    5UR JP account = 30 USD
    1idlz UR + 4URs JP account = 35 USD

    All payments are through PayPal , will not accept any other way of payment.
    Imgur link :
    Instagram. : @aydowntnow_2397
    FB : Allan Kristoffer Velasquez
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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