Selling  866M Fame | 84M Silvers | Axe 700 | Fire 700 | Curse 550 | Warlock 600 | Almost All Gears 900

Discussion in 'Albion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xxDARKxLORDxx, 1/29/25.

  1. xxDARKxLORDxx

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Bronze Status: This user has successfully completed 3+ middleman transactions

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    My Location:
    - Exclusive offer -

    With his account you can just jump into PVP Axe 700, Fire 700, Curse 550, Warlock 600

    There is a lot of Silver, you can buy a lot of gears, the best gears you ever wanted.

    You can farm with any tool T8 to make easy silvers.

    Learning points : 2399
    Combat fame credit : -

    Personnal Island : 3/6

    Contact us to get screenshots.

    Tools :

    T3 Fishing - T3 Pickaxe - T6 Sickle - T5 Knife - T3 Hammer - T3 Axe

    I sell the account with 84M silvers.

    If you have any questions about the account, do not hesitate to contact our team.

    All accounts come with full mail infos and have a Lifetime Warranty, see our return policy to know the details.

    Contact me if you need a specific account :, I will show them to you off market.

    You can directly add me on discord for faster answer : **heaven_guardian**

    All accounts have a **Lifetime Warranty**, see our return policy to know the details.
    #1 xxDARKxLORDxx, 1/29/25
    Last edited: 1/29/25