Hi guys, I'm quitting the game and am selling my account. Awakened heroes: (Masters of Dark Magic team) Yuria lvl 30 - Oath with awa costume Grave lvl 32 - Will of Iron Wall Selen lvl 32 - Overcome Death Liz lvl 30 - Will of Violent Attack Holy Great Elemental lvl 42 - Overcome Death Lana lvl 34 - Oath with awa costume Warren lvl 34 - Goddess Protection with awa costume Erin lvl 36 - Hand of Salvation Liana lvl 32 - Oath with awa costume Ramia lvl 32 - Goddess Protection All are equipped with awakened weapons and most have hero specific runes 6* Heroes: Lilian Siara Voros Jacard Zebram x2 Piet Ren Wuru Sylvia Flair Rania Raiga Evan Pan Zelga Refina Riu Alex Yuno Sirin Miranda Vira Darek Dean Ifrita x2 Lyonnesse Sion Ciel Baldur Shana x2 Freya Chaos Despero Tyrannus Diel Holy Kyria Creed Wintere Tigere Warp Ent Idris Fury Deborah x2 Ogre Freya Wintere Poison Notable 5* Orga Pan x3 Shana x3 Hatzling x2 Pets: Pig 4* Ruv 4* Stilla 4* Mr. T 4* Alpha T 4* Cano 3* Resources: 220 hero slots (currently sitting at 190 heroes in inventory) 4m gold 6397 gems 1454 rubies 2030 arena medals (can be used to purchase 3k gems) 923 elim tickets 861 consecutive tickets You can use the rubies and gems to boost the heroes and make them quite strong. I leave it to you to decide which ones to focus on. Screen shots available upon request.
Sorry for the reposts, the website wasn't responding and I clicked it a few times because I thought it wasn't working.
Can I see some screenshots please? and is there a way to contact you? since I don't like using conversations and is it possible to lower the price? thanks a lot.