Selling  7+m GP  250-300 7*  Android  Original Owner (Yes) Sale, cheaper account Leviathan Executor Leia, Kenobi and more for sale

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by melissaposey, 1/26/25.

  1. melissaposey

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    Been playing daily for 5 years, just finally giving up my account because I don't have time anymore. A lot of love and care went into developing this roster and mod inventory. Only owner with:

    All 7 GL's at Relic: Leia R8 , LV R8, SEE R6 Kenobi R8, farming Ahsoka Legend
    Ships: Exe(7), Leviathan (7)

    21 Omicron
    257 Zetas
    183 g13 characters
    Kyber 1-2 most of the time

    Full Conquests units:
    -Razor crest
    -TIE/In Interceptor Prototype
    -Boba Fett, Scion of Jango
    -Queen Amidala
    -Darth Malgus
    -Commander Ahsoka Tano
    -Admiral Trench
    -Fury-class Interceptor
    -Mark VI Interceptor
    -Mandalorian Beskar
    -Hondo Honaka
    -Darth Bane

    Missing conquest unit:
    256 Characters
    63 Ships
    179 Zetas
    20 Omicrona
    252 6*Mods
    125 Gear 1-11
    192 7* Characters
    51 7* Ships
    108 Replica
    5 Relics 9
    12 Relics 8
    36 Relics 6-7
    55 Relics 0-5

    Msg me with any questions!!