Sold Selling 267K account, all the best champs duped and r5 or r4, 58 total 4 stars

Discussion in 'Marvel Contest of Champions Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by johnnyrocker92, 1/16/17.

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  1. johnnyrocker92

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    I am selling my MCOC account. I will provide the email used for the acct, the account name and the pw upon purchase. I would prefer to use paypal for payment. I can provide screenshots of my full roster, quests I've completed and anything else you need to see. I have completed every quest except labyrinth of legends!!! I used to play arena frequently and have used that to amass a roster of the best champions (and most are duped as well).
    Here are my stats:
    total 5 stars-8
    r2-2 (ant-man 2X dupe, cap marvel)
    total 4 stars-58
    r5-4 (Gambit, SIM, SW, CA)
    r4-21 (duped-BW, electro, AV, CAP WW, elektra, DD, wolvie, Thor)

    total heroes-188
    Total base hero rating-267k
    LVL 60
    gold: 622,507
    BC: 20K
    units: 249

    if you're interested, please email me at [email protected] to make an offer.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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