Sold (Bleach: Brave Souls - Fresh Accounts)...

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bleach: Brave Souls - Fresh Accounts, 6/8/16.

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  1. Bleach: Brave Souls - Fresh Accounts

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    (Bleach: Brave Souls - Fresh Accounts) Bleach: Brave Souls - Fresh Accounts Before PMing us, please read this. • How to request to see what combinations we have? - Let us know the top 2-3 characters you want and we will show you the combinations we have in pictures for Japan server and text for Global server. For example: Hi, can i see the combination you have for: 1st - SE Ulquiorra (must be in the account) 2nd - Starrk (must be in the account) 3rd - Orihime (not a must to be in the account) Indicate Japan or Global server. The characters are put in placing of 1st, 2nd and 3rd for you to rank who you want more. You can choose to only name 2 characters (1st & 2nd) as well. • Pricing - Japan and Global have different price range. Japan is much more cheaper than Global. For example, a GOOD double (Grimmjow + SE Ulquiorra) in Global cost $50 but in Japan, the double cost $30. • How to determine the price? We will list the price range on both of the servers. - For Japan server, A popular and good character (Starrk, Grimmjow, SE Ulquiorra etc): $15 An average character (Bankai Ichigo, HM Mayuri, HM Kenpachi etc): $10 A less popular character (Kaname, Sajin, Soi Fon etc): $5 - For Global server, Double: $30 - $50 Triple: $50 - $90 Most people will not want more than triple because price will not be affordable for them. • Why is it so expensive for a game account? All accounts are FRESH with story at 9% of part 1, co-op untouched and events untouched. To get a double 5* characters and above in a fresh account is almost impossible. Therefore, the more characters there is in an account, the most expensive it will be. If you feel that buying spirit orbs is more worth it, then go ahead because spirit orbs do not assure you any 5* characters and even if you get a 5* character from your summon, it may not be the character you want. • Working hours We are usually available from 12PM - 12AM (GMT +8). So if there are delay in replies, please be patient with us. • Questions to refrain from asking: - Can i see the picture of the account? We will not send pictures of the account and if you are afraid that you will get scammed by us, then please do not purchase. - Is there 5* ticket in the account? Whether there are 5* ticket in the account or not, the price of the account remains the same. So we do not guarantee that 5* ticket will be provided. - How many orbs are there in the account? We do not record how many orbs are there in an account, orbs you received are saved from daily rewards. Therefore, if you receive many spirit orbs then you are lucky. We will not enter the XML file one by one to search for an account with the most spirit orbs for you. - Can you playerup a character to my current account? No, the accounts we have are rolled by us. Spirit orbs used are from daily rewards. We do not have any tricks to roll. - How do i know whether you will scam me or not? Purchasing an account is at your own risk, if you have doubts in us then do not purchase from us. - Can you help me check Starrk + Grimmjow, can you help me check Starrk + SE Ulquiorra, can you help me check Starrk + FH Ichigo, can you help me check ......... Please make up your mind on who you want first before telling us to help you check the combinations you want. As searching a team from more than 1000++ combinations is tough. - When will you update the website? The website will not be updated anymore so you can just PM to enquire. Thank you for reading!
    #1 Bleach: Brave Souls - Fresh Accounts, 6/8/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/2/23
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  2. PlayerUp

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    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

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    #2 PlayerUp, 6/8/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/2/23
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    Jhon Manobanda

    Jhon Manobanda
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    Y como se hace el pago la transferencia del personaje soy de Ecuador y quiero realizar una compra
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    James Thomas

    James Thomas
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    How much for full hollow ichigo and visored ichigo on Japan server
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    James Thomas

    James Thomas
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    Can I see what combinations you have for full hollow ichigo and visored ichigo
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    Tre Jeremiah Locke

    Tre Jeremiah Locke
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    are u still active ?
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    Chris Williams

    Chris Williams
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    What combos do you have for Stark and Grimmjow
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    Michelle Sparks

    Michelle Sparks
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    Can I see combination for full hollow ichigo and ulquiorra
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