Sold Selling BIS 275 WAR, 4 x 275 wep, 654 mil, 4 houses, 48 mounts, 172 minions, all birds

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Wildfir3, 1/16/17.

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  1. Wildfir3

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    Hello! I did post this account here more than a month ago. Back then I got an offer that I couldn’t refuse which was over 1400 USD, so I marked it as sold. Only condition was to get a bard i275 bow. Sadly RNG wasn’t with me and I had to save up 8 a12s tokens as it never dropped. Buyer I had altough is 100% legit, had some tragic real life situation recently and as such, he’s not interested in playing FFXIV no more so this one is again for sale. Please note though, that I want to actually sell it now, I don’t intend to grind anything for you. I want to sell it as it is right now simply to avoid situations like the one that happened to me, as I could have sold this one weeks ago already.

    I'm the original owner and the only one who has access to it. This account is RMT free, has never been involved in any illegal activity, boting etc. It is perfect account to start 3.5 with, it has all primal birds, really well geared characters, tons of gils, tokens etc.

    Album with screenshots


    -EU Datancer (ready to transfer anytime)
    -1200 days subscriped (obtained all vet rewards)
    -17 days left on subscription
    -ALL jobs lvled to 60
    - main job on this account is best in slot warrior i270 with i275 weapon. Overall 4 x i275 weapon (WAR/PLD/NIN + one of your choice as I have 8 tokens saved). Since I've always been playing most jobs in this game - there is no job below ilvl250 on this account. All sophia weapons obtained. As for rest of gear - full HQ crafted i250 + some alex savage gear on all jobs) You can see all of them on screenshots.
    - all crafters geared and melded, access to all recipes latest (4star) and older recipes in the game
    -654 milion gil on my main character, easily over 750+ mils if you count all mats, materias, houses and so on (price you're gonna pay for this account depend on wheter I sell gils to some resellers or wheter you take them)
    -unlocked all folklore nodes for botanist, miner and fisher
    -all raids in the game completed, including a12s of course
    -48 mounts with many rare ones : Kirin (collect all primal ponies), Gobwalker (a4s drop), Ceremony Chocobo (eternal bonding reward), Twintania (recruit a friend campaign reward), Arrhidaeus (a12s drop), Fenrir (1mil MGP), Black Pegasus (Palace of the dead floor rare 150+ drop), both versions of Whisper A-GO-GO (yokai watch event, not obtainable anymore), ALL primal birds
    -172 minions with many rares ones, can provide full list once loadstone is live again
    -8065 Achievement points
    -2360+ Commendations
    -All best tribes in ARR and HW maxed out and all 3 chars
    -Maxed out (all 50) squadron and max GC rank achieved (immortal flames)
    -Maxed out FC rank 8 with 4 maxed airships - each one designated towards specific sectors, nobody but me in said FC
    -Medium personal house with all of the most expensive furnitures in the game (easter cherry trees, autumnal trees, moonfire fairy items etc
    -Small FC house, fully decorated as well
    -Anima weapon ilvl260 on warrior completed
    -4 extra paid retainers, all leveled to 60 and geared towards ventures. 4 total : botanist, miner, fisher and summoner, 2 unleveled ones
    -4 of retainers packed with glamour items from HW and ARR, over 500 glamour items inluding high allagan replicas, primal weapons etc.
    -99 fiend tokens allowing you to instantly get sephirot bird when 3.5 is live
    -6 a9s tokens, 6 a10s tokens, 12 a11s tokens, 8 a12s tokens, many primal tokens in case you want some weapons for glamour
    -Summer DLC promotional items obtained, Maid outfit, titan and iffrit masks, white chocobo mount etc.
    -palace of the dead 1-200 completed, ability to buy all orchestrion rolls and rewards from NPC
    -rank 40 PVP, gold rating achieved in this tier (currently over 1160+ points)
    -lvl 10 companion chocobo
    -main story up to date, every single quest that's in the game has been completed.
    -1070000+ that you can use to buy stuff, though most of the rewards I did buy already (including 2 mounts and nanamo card - I did not get cloud card as it's way too much mgp just to get a card)
    -128 Triple Triad cards with many rares ones (Tidus, Lightning, Shantotto, Vaan, Terra, Bartz, Warrior of light, Onion Knight,
    -extremely good maxed out R-300 racing chocobo which makes farming MGP a joke.
    -tons of consumables, few stacks of best crafter food in the game (seafood stew HQ), a stack of priestly omlette HQ (best food that you can get on warrior), a stack of HQ Supra-MAX potions of vit (best pot for tanks in this expansion)
    -2 ALT characters (ilvl 253 warrior and i250 BLM, all crafters leveled on both chars- those allow you to cover all specialists in the game). story completed, patches up to date, 98-99%+ of quests completed on this char, ALL primals beaten up. Personally I use this one to cover specialists that I don't have on my main, for wondrous tails and moogle dailies. Can also be used for raiding in 2nd group if you intended to do so. All best tribes maxed as well - those are overall pretty good characters. Nowhere near as good as my main, but it's comfortable to play it due to ilvl250+ and the fact it has all crafters leved. Each character also owns top tier Small House – one being in Lavender Beds, other one being the Mist. Fantasia on every single character.


    It depends. Hit me up with an offer ideally. I'm open up for negotiations but also won't be accepting low-balling. I think I want no less than 500-600 USD but the price will also depend on wheter you take gils or not. If you can't afford 500+ USD but really want this account, I might as well sell gils separately and leave you with lets say 50-100 mils or so. It's all #. I don't bite so simply contact me and we'll figure something out. I may also agree on installments (in which case you'd only get log in details at first, and ID details secret questions etc once you paid fully), though I will totally prioritise people who can pay me full price. Again - don't be shy, I'm open minded person so we might figure something out.
    You will be given full access to this account as soon as you pay me. This means all login and personal details, secret question, email access and on request - ID scan. Once we're done with trade, you'll also be given my whatsapp number where you can contact me 24/7 in case you'd have any problems with the account or questions regarding endgame.


    I'm new in here but not new to selling mmo stuff. I've been selling gaming related items for years (D3 gold, GW2 gold and POE exalts mostly). As such I have over 100+ positive feedback elsewhere and will gladly provide it. I've never had any troubles with any of my customers and I will make sure that it remains unchanged. I can provide any screenshot you could ask for, could even set up a stream to confirm that I do own this account.


    Simply PM me with your skype and I will contact you. DO NOT post your skype in this thread as last time some scammers popped and tried to fool some members here. I will confirm via PM adding you on skype for safety.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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