Sold Colossus Dungeon Service

Discussion in 'Realm of the Mad God Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/colossusfarming, 1/23/25.

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  1. /u/colossusfarming

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    - O3 - $4 each
    - Shatts (WILL DO HM IF POSSIBLE) - $4.5 each
    - HM Shatts - $6 each
    - Guaranteed Lean - $60 each
    - Double Bag MV - $3 each
    - Double Bag Umi - $6 each
    - Adv Kog/Nest - $4 each
    - Other exalts - $2.5 each

    Prices are #, Bulking, accepting PP F&F

    Discord: colossusrotmg

    # #/colossusfarming
    # .
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