Giant Social Engineering Website [IDEA]

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Vaypah, 1/16/17.

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  1. Vaypah

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    Okay so I don't know if this sounds stupid, I came up with it late at night and honestly I would be willing to make it work if people showed enough interest.

    Basically I was browsing through user services and seeing the whole mess of services for various things, fitbits, monitors, coffee machines, everything. I kept thinking to myself: "I wish this love you was more organised". Thats when it hit me, what if I created a website sort of like fiverr where people offer their social engineering services for money. There wouldn't be heaps of sellers/listings for the same service though. There would be a fixed price and fixed listing for each service (for example, fitbits cost $40, clothing refunds 10%).

    The advantage of this to buyers would be: Guaranteed purchase safety (I see people getting scammed for $100s everyday), fast response and turnaround times due to many refunders/SEers working together, and also simplicity.

    The advantage to sellers would be: Constant sales (take orders as you please), simplicity again - get sent all the details for the service without needing to communicate with buyers who end up never paying, no markdown competition - every day I see someone undercutting someone else by the tiniest amount to take a larger market share, instant payouts in BTC/PP upon completion of orders.

    I know, this might seem unrealistic and maybe it is, wouldn't it be good to have one website for every SE service though? Never get scammed again? Order completion within hours? I just wanna hear what people think about this - I punched down 2 joints before having this idea.
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