Sold [US][H] Sega genesis (phantasy star iv, gauntlet iv), NES games (megaman1), other randoms...

Discussion in 'Other Game Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/butterandpeanuts, 1/20/25 at 8:42 PM.

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  1. /u/butterandpeanuts

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    ASK FOR PICS, sorry typing all this out took forever on mobile

    SHIPPING is 5$ or calculated if you’re on the other side of the country

    ALL games cib unless noted



    Mega Man 1 (loose, shell damage) - 75$

    Punch out!! NM condition - 75$

    Tetris - 22$

    NES cleaning kit NM condition - 25$

    Ultima Exodus NM condition - 60$

    Metal Gear (game and manual) - 20$

    Chip and dale rescue rangers (authentic game, repro label) - 5$


    Sega Master System - all loose

    California games - 15$

    Cloud master - 20$

    R-Type - 20$

    Super wonder boy super monster land - 25$

    Poseidon Wars 3d (cib) - 30$

    Enduro racer (no manual) - 12$


    Sega Genesis

    Gauntlet IV - 60$

    Phantasy star 4 (loose) - 60$

    Whip Rush (loose, no label) - 12$

    Toejam & earl panic on funkotron (loose) - 12$

    Mortal Kombat - 15$

    Mega bomberman - 19$

    4 player multitap - 35$

    3 controllers (1 first party, 2 third party) - 20&


    Sega Dreamcast

    Shenmue (can’t get the first disk to work for some reason, it looks fine but I am including a burned disk 1) - 25$


    Sega Saturn

    Fighters megamix (untested as I don’t have a Saturn) - 45$ .


    Crash Bandicoot (gh) - 25$

    Cardinal Syn (sealed but plastic wrap badly ripped) - 18$



    Amplitude - 17$

    Killzone - 10$

    Jak and daxter the lost frontier - 21$

    King Kong - 10$

    Midnight club - 8$

    Socom - 8$

    Madden 05 - 5$



    SSX - 9$

    Heavenly sword - 15$

    Lair - 7$

    SSX - 10$

    Smackdown vs raw 2009 - 12$

    Dante’s inferno - 17$



    Stardew Valley (no manuals) - 28$

    Death Stranding - 10$



    Destruction All stars - 5$

    Immortal fenyx rising - 10$

    3D billiards (sealed) misprint spine - 20$



    final fantasy ii - 20$

    Wipeout pulse - 15$

    Ogre tactics - 17$


    OG Xbox

    Jade Empire - 6$ water damage

    Shenmue 2 - 15$



    Donkey Kong country returns - 20$

    Big game hunter 2010 - 5$



    Wario master of disguise (loose) - 15$

    Paper Mario sticker star - 20$

    Mega man legacy collection (loose, can’t get it to work) - 5$

    Millionheir - 5$



    Sealed Pokémon arceus steel book - 35$


    Super famicom

    Secret of mana 2 - 20$

    Universal game case w/ an earthbound cover art - 5$

    # #/butterandpeanuts
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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