Sold Box LS Army For Sale! 6x accounts. 125 Mag, Monk, Rog (raid geared) 125 Nec, Pal, Rog (f2p...

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by xanontz, 1/20/25.

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  1. xanontz

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    6 accounts for sale. my 2nd/alt groups that just not gonna spend the time/money for ToB expansion and sticking to the main group only, maybe went little too shopping spree early last year here lol.

    125 Magician, 125 Monk, 125 Rogue - all raid geared
    125 Nec, 125 Pal, 125 Rog - Pal and Rog fully customed F2P geared and Nec mostly there, couple t2 group items. Rogues in F2P gear are seriously broken lol, holds 700-800k dps. Pally is a nice little pre-LoS tank for taking toons through older...

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