Sold WTS 65 Iksar Necromancer 552 AA's $300

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by Boltsfan6317, 1/19/25.

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  1. Boltsfan6317

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    Hey all, I have some RL stuff going on and I won't be able to play anymore. I am looking to sell my necro started playing him on launch.
    The gear and flags are as follows:
    Fully flagged for all PoP content
    Epic 1.0
    Circlet of shadow prenerf
    Miraguls shroud of the risen souls
    Spool of Woven Time
    Zevfeers shroud of despair
    Miraguls greaves of risen souls
    Earring of temporal solstice
    Circlet of flowing time
    Veil of the Inferno
    Talisman of tainted Energy
    Celestial cloak
    Kelp lined mantle...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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