Hello, I havent played runescape for years, and i am highly addicted to neverwinter but it is so expencive to compete with other players! Im looking to trade my maxed (osrs) account for currency and items on Neverwinter, Happy to use a trusted middle-man and happy to discuss over a skype call I have no interest in runescape anymore so consider this an auction the biggest offer i can get ill take. The runescape account itself is Maxed in all combat stats 99 Attack, Strength , Defence, Hitpoints, Range, Mage, With 90 Prayer also Other noted stats 90Herblore, 94 Slayer Most other stats are 80+ with no stats being less than 70 Some noted items on the account Firecape Full Void Dragon defender Torso Fighter Hat Couple of rare pets Many more items, The account also has every quest completed (Quest Cape) I can provide more information upon request, also i can provide pictures of the account upon request The account has a clear offence history, I've been the only owner since creation and can provide all information regarding the account. As i said im not interested in trading for any neverwinter accounts or toons, Im looking to get a nice amount of Astral diamonds, Valuable Items Please leave an offer here or message me if you have any interest Thanks for reading