Sold Selling 119 AG Tizona ,109 Goldsmithing, Master Blu Sch, Mission completion, Ready

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hellish v.2, 1/14/17.

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  1. Hellish v.2

    Hellish v.2
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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    SE ID/ Pass=Yes
    SE Q/A=Yes
    POL ID/ Pass=Yes

    Hume Male

    Missions and completion:
    Rank 6 Sandy
    WoTG= Affairs of State
    A Crystalline Prophecy=Done
    Abyssea=Done (46 Atma 3/3 Lunar-Shin Access)
    Voidwatch=Crimson IV, Indigo IV, Jade IV, White III, Ashen III,Hycinth II, Amber II (21 Atmacite)
    Trust=54 (August++)
    Blue Mage Spells= 136 (mighty guard+ all needed spells)
    Geo Spells= 15 Geo 30 Indi (all needed spells)
    Summons= Crabuncle, Fenrir, Ifrit, Titan, Leviathan, Garuda, Shiva, Ramuh
    Whm Spells= Pertinent spells
    Blm Spells= Pertinent spells
    6/6 Delve clears
    3/6 WKR wins

    100 Fishing
    109 Goldsmithing (tourque+shawl)

    Sandy Conquest= 87,612
    Basty Conquest= 0
    Windy Conquest= 0
    Beastmen seals= 34
    Kindred Seals= 56
    Kindred Crest= 324
    High Kindred Crest= 347
    Sacred Kindred= 513
    Ancient Beast Coin=18
    Goldsmithing points= 56,572
    Research marks= 17,680
    Sparks= 99,999
    AMAN Vouchers= 10
    L. Sanctum= 2,091
    MJTG= 6,405
    L. Cavern= 18,901
    Periqia= 21,943
    Ilrusi Atoll= 18,676
    Tokens= 2,298
    Zeni= 31,700
    Jettons= 130
    Ichor= 80
    Curor= 16,229,953
    Traverser stones= 3,191
    Voidstones= 946
    Unity Accolades= 99,999
    REM 1= 5
    REM 2= 19
    Rem 3= 8
    Rem 4= 41
    Rem 5= 17
    Rem 6= 15
    Rem 7= 33
    Rem 8= 34
    Rem 9= 162
    Rem 10= 55
    Bayld= 628,551
    Obsidian Fragments= 3,538
    M. Plasma= 143,175
    Escha Silt= 1,108,591
    Escha beads= 22,417

    Job levels:
    99= Whm,Rdm,Bst,Sam,Smn,Cor,Geo,Mnk,Blm,Thf,Rng,Blu,Pu p,Sch
    Subs= War,Run,Dnc

    Job Points:
    Blu= 2100
    Sch= 2100
    Blm= 111
    Thf= 53
    Rng= 2
    Sam= 139
    Cor= 8
    Pup= 9
    Geo= 13

    HP 15/15
    MP 15/15
    Merits 45/45
    All Attributes 15/15
    H2H 8/8
    Dagger 8/8
    Sword 8/8
    GK 8/8
    Club 8/8
    Staff 8/8
    Mark 8/8
    Evasion 8/8
    Parrying 8/8
    Divine 8/8
    Healing 8/8
    Enchancing 8/8
    Enfeeb 8/8
    Elemental 8/8
    Dark 8/8
    Blue 8/8
    Geo 8/8
    Handbell 8/8
    Crit rate 5/5
    Spell interruption 5/5
    Requiescat 5/5
    Last Stand 5/5
    Realmrazer 1/5
    Tachi: Shoha 3/5
    Shijin Spiral 1/5

    Mnk full merits
    Whm full merits
    Thf full merits
    Rng full merits
    Sam full merits
    Blu full merits
    Cor full merits
    Pup full merits
    Sch full merits

    Notable Gear prior to pictures:
    119 AG Tizona
    119 Annigilator
    Colda (+3 Quad attack)
    Herc body (+4 Triple attk,5 dex,26 acc)
    Capped Blu Ambu JSE cape (30 dex, 20acc, 20attk, 10% crit)
    Adehmar Head and Hands (capped augs)
    Full herc (great augs)
    Full merlinic (great augs)
    A lot of Af1-3 +1 (119)
    A lot of Unity gear HQ
    Defending ring
    SR gear capped augs/ near cap
    Ru'Aun weapons capped augs
    Ru'Aun Abj. Gear created with augs
    Pertinent delve gear
    Matk sets
    Tp sets
    Pdt sets
    Ws sets
    Zitah, Ru"aun and Reis accessories and gear

    I am working on screenshots, just wanted to get it up


    Starting bid $600
    Buyout= $800
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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