Sold Selling TOP 150 EU gw2 account

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by arnold666, 1/13/17.

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  1. arnold666

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    I have for sale my personal gw2 account with HoT. Ideal for PvP with solid winrate.

    TOP 150 EU (give or take, cant say exactly what rank for obvious reasons)

    - around 3200 pvp games, global winrate 66%
    - rank ~175 PvP

    - 5k Achievement Points
    - ~200 gold
    - 40k + karma
    - ~540 transmutation charges
    - 1050 ascended shards of glory
    - 90 pvp league tickets
    - 500airship parts, 880lumps of aurilium, 250 leyl ine crystals
    - bank filled with loot from pvp reward tracks
    - enough dungeon tokens and gear in bank for gearing in full exotic berserker (or other)
    - shadow abyss, abyss, celestial, toxin dyes,etc...
    - Pve mastery around 17
    - ~100% magic find, 15% gold find
    - Mystical dragon finisher
    - Phoenix Glider
    - Some nice titles: The Blazing Light, Exalted Legend, Illustrious Legend, Champion shadow,...
    - Plenty of old rare nice skins: Strider armor, The Crossing, Vipers armor, Medium ascended chest, Fused Shortbow, Noble outfit, Shoulder Scarf, Reading Glasses, Aviator glasses, t3 human female medium armor, black ascended staff skin, plenty of skins of dungeon weapons, those ascended wings from pvp, Gas mask, Horns of the dragon helm, zephyrite sun and wind helm, sun catcher, a lot of dungeon gear skins, radiant gloves, that pure-white shining dagger and pistol skins, etc...
    - there are no characters on it (FREE TRANSFER)

    I do not play this game anymore, so I will not take screenshots as I don't care about this game.
    You will get a new email address that you keep with this account also.

    (feel free to PM with offers, but no trading, it's only for sale)

    Payment accepted is Paypal (gift for friends) only with accepting that you will not chargeback as you will recieve working log in to email and account as soon you buy.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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