Sold Selling 11x80 +22.000 gold, EU GW2+HOT+GW1 76.000 account value

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by torm, 1/13/17.

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  1. torm

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    Selling EU GW2+HOT+GW1 account
    Mastery Rank 168
    Pvp Rank 100
    WvW Rank 1650
    Fractal level 100
    Achivements 23,700
    Playtime 8000 hours over 1600 days

    I am original owner

    With this account you can do anything you want in game

    There are
    14 characters
    11x80 characters
    characters of all classes and with second specialization fully unlocked
    all specialization ascended weapons finished
    all crafting professions except scriber are maxed
    11 shared account inventory slots
    11 bank vault tabs
    2 pocket guilds with aditional bank tabs
    Scrolls and tomes for more than 1300levels if you need another characters
    22,500 gold and 3,000 Gems to buy what you want
    473 transmutation charges

    19 Outfits
    2 Legendary Back Items
    4 ascended armour sets(2 with max agony resist for top lvl fractal runs)
    32 ascended weapons
    12 ascended back items
    14 ascended amulets
    26 ascended accessories
    73 ascended rings

    also you can find
    600,000 karma + 2,330,000 liquid karma in jar

    lots of valueble skins and dyes

    if you dont want to buy legendary with gold, but make it by own hands,
    you also have 2 of map completion gifts for regular legendary
    and 2 sets of new maps gifts for new legendaries
    and even precursor for Twilight and half-completed precursors for Incinirator and Meteorologicus

    PM me with offer or for detailes or for skype
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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