Sold Selling (na) lvl99 st, lvl91 cr, lvl90 cra, lvl85 vp, lvl78

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MindCarrot, 1/13/17.

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  1. MindCarrot

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    Both rose have BTS run 6/6 and a few other costumes
    Magic Necklace
    Bank Sharing
    Transcedence~ B slot

    +9 Grendized Glitter Warlord 6/6
    Grendized Dragonic Force 5/5 (Accessory)
    11k max- 7k crit total)

    CrA has +9 Grendized Glitter Warlord Claymore
    Transcedence and b slot as well~

    VP has a +9 Grendized weapon too
    B slot
    Full Costume (nonevent)
    No Transcendence (5/5 on the quest)

    VC has B slot and full costume
    Gear could be worked on tho :c

    For more info please email: [email protected]
    Or skype: panmeowth

    Price~ $160 (BUT I can negotiate so don't worry, It's not a final price)
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  2. Arcadiac

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    For some reason it says it's sold... This account is NOT sold... How did that happen wtf
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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