Sold NA/ Lvl 570/ 423 skins/ Active since 2009/ Aram challenger/ Season 3 Gold.

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/ConsequenceLate6629, 1/17/25.

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  1. /u/ConsequenceLate6629

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    Created and played since 2009. Selling because I’m going to be a dad and need the time/money. Lots of cool skins, Victorius Elise, great legacy skins, lots of chromas, never reported, no risk of ban whatsoever, lvl 570 hard earned (never boosted), original and current owner, viktor mastery lvl 20 and bunch of other lvl 10+, it really worth more than what I’m asking but I’d like to sell it asap.

    I’m also selling it thru a trusted website that gives you peace of mind of the transaction (I gave selling warranty), asking $8500 but it worth more like I said. DM me with offers, serious buyers only, don’t waste your time or mine. Thank you!

    # #/ConsequenceLate6629
    # .
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