Sold Selling Selling 99 tyr duelist / 101 yul gs freya server naked + free iss 85 lvl

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AKi1146, 1/12/17.

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  1. AKi1146

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    As the title says Selling the following account naked or with items:
    Will also include a free level 85 ISS Hieropant account

    $350 for all items
    Naked and bound items $150
    99 Tyr Duelist (Main)/ 101 Yul Ghost Sentinal (Subclass)

    Race Change to Kamael (worth $50USD from Nstore)
    Brooch 5 slots (worth $50USD from Nstore)
    Level 3 Ruby, Diamond, Opal, Pearl, Obsidean (worth $75USD from Nstore)
    +6 Physical Reflect Shirt (worth $75USD from Nstore)
    Wonderous Cubic (recieve random reward each day)
    1270 Energy of Destruction
    +5 skills and up (3 main skills +10)
    +16 AP Skilled
    Exxalted LVL 1 quest completed (+1 all attributes)
    Freya,Zaken, Castle Cloaks
    Talisman Desire
    Aria Bracelet Str +3 and Aria Bracelet CON +3
    +10 dex, +5 str, -1 con dyes
    +3 Demon Circet (+3 Dex +5% P Def)

    +10 Dual S Grade
    Robust Health Crystal with 3 SA
    Augment +10% SKill Critical Damage

    Selling Separate

    AQ Soul +5 ring ($20)
    +8/8/8/blessed 8/10 R95 Seraph Leather Armor ($90)
    17B Adena $9USD per Billion

    Thanks for Looking

    Skype - tuanizdashtz [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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