Account #1 Rank 495 Monster Box: Account details: - Account is about 410 days old - Over 7000+ eggs given to cards - 123k~ MP - Skilled up most of the important cards - 77 maxed level cards. - Have Kanna, Ana, Paimon, Dantalion, Skuld, Gronia, Scheat and ROdin as for top six-stars GFE. FYI) Please refer to the "Monster Box" pictures' comments for skill level of each card. Offering price: $250 Account #2 Rank 331 Monster Box: Account details: - Account is about 300 days old - 112k~ Monster Point - 79 maxed Awkn. cards - 54 maxed level cards - Have Skuld and Slyvie as for top six-stars GFE. Recommending Leaders: Noctis(*), Sephiroth(*), Awoken Okuninushi(*), Saria(*), Aoshi(*), Skuld, Awoken Cao Cao, Pollux, Castor etc. *These cards are of max level and max skill. Offering price: $100 Please PM me on this site if you are interested in my accounts. Asking prices are #. If you require additional screenshots, let me know. Paypal is the best payment method for me but let me know if you prefer other methods. FYI, my other accounts' rank are: 552(JPN), 309(JPN), 268(JPN) I'll post these later day. Please let me know if you want the detail.