Open to offers / trades! Please PM and comment below. Payment will be via PayPal (Fees included in price) Ship Price CCu'd From Extra Retaliator Bomber $240 Cutter Scout Cutter NIghtfall Paint / ParaMed Medical Device / ORC-mkX Helmet Iceborn / ORC-mkX Core Iceborn / ORC-mkX Arms Iceborn / ORC-mkX Legs Iceborn / Beacon Undersuit Crimson / MacFlex Backpack White Hull D $300 Cutter Cutter Groundswell Paint / ParaMed Medical Device / ORC-mkX Helmet Iceborn / ORC-mkX Core Iceborn / ORC-mkX Arms Iceborn / ORC-mkX Legs Iceborn / Beacon Undersuit Crimson / MacFlex Backpack White Hull D $300 Cutter Scout Cutter NIghtfall Paint / C1 Spirit 2954 BiS# #/brywok # .