Account name: lmilkl Current level: 46 Topaz: 372 Gold: 1.1m Finas: 2 Leah: 1 Keys: 772 Rubies: 760 Masteries: complete to lvl 90 Arena ranking: Bronze (been inactive awhile can reach at least crystal if not higher) Gold Chamber: 8700 (complete to 122) Formations: All maxed Caste Rush points: 1,239 Special Heroes: 40 Eileene (Golden) 38 Ace (Golden) 36 Sun Wukong (Golden) 34 Rin (Golden) 32 Lubu (Golden) 32 Rachel (Golden) 30 Jam (Silver) 30 Karma (Golden) 30 Kris (Blank) 30 Spike (Golden) 30 Dellon (Blank) +2 lvl 1 Teo 6* (Blank) x2 5* Kris 5* Jave 5* Dellon 4* Jack-o 4* Ramlethal 4* KyKiske 4* Lubu 4* Eileene 4* Dellon x2 Loads of elements to max all these low ones. Khalan still able to be gained from the quests. Max Transcended Heroes: 40 Pascal (Golden) 40 Giparang (Golden) 40 Yu Shin (Golden) 40 Bai Jiao (Golden) 40 Lee Jung (Golden) 40 Bi Dam (Golden) 40 Lina (Golden) 40 Sera (Golden) 40 Alice (Golden) 40 Black Rose (Golden) 40 Sieg (Golden) 40 Shane (Golden) 40 Espada (Golden) 40 Ruri (Golden) 40 May (Golden) 40 Velika (Golden) 40 Karon (Golden) Transcended Heroes 34 Jake (Golden) 34 Guan Yu (Blank) 34 Victoria (Blank) 34 Jupy (Golden) 34 Diaochan (Blank) 32 Asura (Golden) 32 Daisy (Golden) 32 Evan (Blank) 6* Heroes Bai Long Nezha Karin Lucy Yui Jupy Jane Lania Jake Mao Song Ming Ming
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