Selling IOS LVL 372 | 5 sf+ | 10 sf

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mexiemonster, 1/10/17.

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  1. mexiemonster

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    Hello Guys,

    I am selling my lvl 372 knd account on IOS.
    I want to purchase a ticket for my vacation and some money could come in handy.
    Add me on Line and i will give you screens of the account.
    Here is a list of armors that the account has and if it has set or not.
    this is a t50 account currently doing t10 runs.
    I will not go first, payments are using paypal. We can use a middle man.
    Line : mexlataster

    Shadowforged +

    Agni's Eternal+ 10/10 (has set)

    Clepsydra Eternal+ 6/10 (has set)

    Manipulator Eternal+ 5/10 (has set)

    Silvanus Stonemail+ lvl 99

    Aeolian Abomination+ 2x lvl 1


    Aqueous Bounty 6/10

    Inquisitorem Caligo 10/10

    Acciptris Array lvl 90

    Malevolent Wingplate 2/10

    Titan's Yieldmail lvl 99

    Volcanus Indusia 4/10

    Imperial Eternal 10/10 (has set)

    Keymaster's Eternal lvl 38 (has set)

    Aeolian Abomination lvl 35

    Agni's Offering lvl 1

    Pets 5 star

    Ranimus lvl 67 IV
    Fizzler lvl 1 II
    Scrubbler 4x lvl 1 I

    pets 4 star

    Tempestwyrm lvl 67 IV
    Gildhorn lvl 66 IV
    Gemshare lvl 48 IV
    Torchwyrm lvl 74 III

    pets 3 star

    Macetail lvl 64 IV
    Dreadwing lvl 57 IV
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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