Sold Selling 190cr 288sp EU/US PC Account 5 chars 282sp+, lots of Exobytes , 8700 Replays

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Butzie, 1/10/17.

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  1. Butzie

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    Im selling my dcuo account including:

    EU Characters:
    DieButzeKatze | Mental Dps/Troll 190/189cr, both af3 gold items, Full 101 pvp gear modded, 288sp

    Princess Butzie | Ice Tank/Dps 186/180cr, 282sp

    Yellowflashoftheleaf | Celestial Heal/Dps 187/180cr, 286sp

    Butzie | Earth Dps/Tank 187/180cr, 284sp

    ...There are a lot more with lower cr and no sp purchased, just for bank slots to safe exobytes and r&d materials.

    US Characters:
    DieButzeKatze | Celestial Heal/Dps 177/176cr, 284sp

    Other Information:
    I got still 8700 replay badges.

    I got Blue&Red Plasmic Aura, Blue&Red&Green Nimbus Aura, Red Smoke Aura, Cosmic&Phoenix Material all on my main character.

    I got Pets and Titles from all Survival Modes.

    I got enough Exobytes on another bank character to mod atleast 4 more gear sets.

    Still more than a month membership running.

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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