Sold Selling Rank 98, Noctis, Lightning, Gilgamesh, most characters & More. Very Playable

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DoneWithFFBE, 1/10/17.

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  1. DoneWithFFBE

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    Is it a Whale?!? I don't know. I was playing for fun and leveled the account by hand.

    Only leveled by hand. No purchased items or injected Items. I'm bored and moving to a different game. It was a fun distraction. I'll sell through a Middle Man to keep the transaction safe.

    Easily go undefeated in Arena and build towards the end game.

    Have most notable characters except Luneth, Elza and Delita. (Would end up with Dark Fina by the time her summon ends)

    Comes with a FB Account linked only for FFBE with 1k Friends (Generates 3-4k friend points each day) - Almost always have a friend with 700+ ATK to play with. I made this account only for this game.

    Rank 98
    2340 Lapis
    1145710 Gold

    Level 100/6 Star (TM)

    Noctis 0.6%
    Lightning 16.1%
    Cecil 59.9%
    Refia 41.8%
    Cloud of Darkness 35.5%
    Gilgamesh 74.6%
    EX Death x 2 44.1%
    White Night Noel 0.7%
    Ramza 6.4%
    Dark Knight Cecil 5.5%
    Chizuru MASTER
    Dracu Laswell 3.1%
    61/100 Cerius 10.3%
    41/100 Medius 15.1%

    Level 80/5 Star

    Tilith 28%
    Maxwell 1.6%
    Garland 12.4%
    Firion 25.7%
    Vaan 25.2%
    Golbeth 47.8%
    Artemios 39.2%
    Locke 49.6%
    Leo 26%
    Kefka 47.7%
    Warrior of Light 12.5%
    Tellah 82.9%
    Lenna 52.5%
    Ludmille MASTER
    Agrias 26.4%
    Vanille 12.8%
    Fencer 6.2%
    Arc 71.5%
    55/80 Sazh 19.4%
    54/80 Celes 15.4%
    37/80 Rakshasa 35%
    27/80 Hayate 71.3%

    Level 60/4 Star
    Karl 2.2%
    Seria 12.0%
    52/60 Miyuki 44.4%
    48/60 Hope 0.8%
    43/60 Edgar 95%
    43/60 Clyne MASTER + 95%
    42/60 Fran 91%
    32/60 White Witch Fina 5.1%
    25/60 Xiao 35.1%
    24/60 Fang 40.2%
    23/60 Alma 35%
    21/60 Lid
    21/60 Kuja 25%
    21/60 Mustadio 15.3%
    19/60 Terra 30%
    19/60 Bartz 55%
    18/60 Gaffgarion 10%
    18/60 Mercedes 10%
    16/60 Krile MASTER + 40%
    15/60 Vivi MASTER + 35%
    15/60 Maria MASTER + 40%
    15/60 Luna MASTER + 40%
    15/60 Faris 45%
    15/60 Santa Roselia 0%
    14/60 Sabin MASTER +30%
    14/60 Kain MASTER + 0%
    14/60 Galuf MASTER + 45%
    11/60 Rosa 5%
    10/60 Penelo 20%
    10/60 Garnet 0%
    10/60 Amarant 20%
    9/40 Zidane MASTER + 5%
    1/60 Snow

    Level 40
    35/40 Freya 40%
    32/40 Duane 25%
    31/40 Gilbert 15.1%
    27/40 Black Cat Lid 25%
    21/40 Roselia 20%
    17/40 Shadow MASTER +
    15/40 Shantotto MASTER + 35%
    15/40 Edge 5%
    15/40 Nichol
    13/40 Elle 0%
    11/40 Russell MASTER + 5%

    Notable Setups-

    Noctis 668 ATK 245 MAG 5092 HP 239 MP
    Lightning 527 ATK 232 MAG 4953 HP 288 MP
    EX Death 568 MAG 363 MP
    Refia 350 SPR 287 MP 5210 HP
    Cecil 513 DEF 191 SPR 5920 HP 251 MP
    White Knight Noel 402 MAG 342 DEF 5968 HP 237 MP

    Notable TM
    Blade Mastery
    Dual Wield
    Letters and Arms
    Dual Cast
    MAG x 30%
    HP + 10% x10
    Stone Killer x2
    Dragon Killer x2
    Aquan Killer x2
    Thundaga Blade
    Silence Dance
    Equip Axe
    Equip S Sword
    Equip H Shield x 2

    Notable Equipment
    Hero Ring x8
    Candy Basket
    Water Gods Amulet
    Defenders Bracer
    Morale Talisman
    Thief Bracer x2
    Earrings x2
    Gold Anklet
    Gold Armlet
    Hyper Wrist x9
    Magi Robe
    Reflect Mail
    Golden Armor x2
    Golden Vest x2
    Force Armor
    Festival Robe
    Survivor Helm
    Grand Helm
    Golden Helm x2
    Creepy Mask
    Mystery Veil x3
    Festival Cap
    Tiger Mask x2
    Snowstorm Shield
    Stellar Shield
    Winged Saint
    Lunar Pestle
    Thorned Mace
    Candy Gun
    Empress Birch
    Lad Mirazh
    Mighty Hammer
    Killer Bow
    Lilith Rod
    Wizard Rod
    Golem Staff
    Wizard Staff x3
    Blood Sword
    Golden Blade x2
    Shining Splendor
    Mage Masher

    Star Quartz x224
    Magic Key x 48
    Phoenix Down x89
    Elixer x56
    X Potion x60
    Mega Ether x8
    Y potion x12
    Gallean Tins x60

    Blindna x8
    Stona x6
    Barfira x2
    Barblizzara x2
    Barthundara x5
    MP +10% x12
    MP + 20%
    ATK + 10% x22
    ATK + 20%
    MAG + 10% x19
    DEF + 10% x12
    SPR + 10% x11
    Plant Killer
    HP + 15%
    MAG + 15%
    Attacker x2
    Destroyer’s Authority x2
    Guardian’s Authority x2
    Spooky Aura x2
    Winter Ward

    Awakening Materials
    Hard Rock x63
    Fury Seed x59
    Wicked Drop x59
    Brilliant Rey x66
    Lucky Seedling x71
    Bizarre Box x64
    Sacred Crystal x133
    Holy Crystal x64
    Divine Crystal x80
    Fairie’s writ x76
    Rainbow Bloom x63
    Calamity Gem x71
    Prismatic Horn x45
    Calamity Writ x48

    Rare Summon x7
    Friend Points 99K (Generate over 3k per day)

    Friend Slot 35 + Over 350 facebook. Friends
    Almost always a friend available with 730+ ATK at all times or 650+ MAG

    If you're serious, make me an offer. I'll send over screen shots and we can figure out the best way to safely complete the deal.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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