Selling Selling Battle Net Account

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Velvet_Dark, 1/9/17.

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  1. Velvet_Dark

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    Selling BNET account with loaded WoW and Other games: $500
    Deposits at Paypal account.
    D3 - D3 and RoS
    Overwatch - level 75 Account
    Hearthstone - classic and basic (almost) complete- over 4k dust to spend, some cards from old gods.
    Heroes of the Storm - every hero except the ones released after Auriel, a lot of mounts (season 1 and 2, mvp black, carpet, diablo mount, and others).
    Now for wow characters:
    Main Char: Horde Hunter 110 - 879 ilvl, legendary bis boots
    lvl 103 Horde Mage
    110 Horde Druid
    100 Horde Rogue
    100 Horde Paladin
    100 Horde Monk
    100 Alliance Priest
    100Alliance Shaman
    100 Alliance Warrior
    10k achiev, was mainly a raider, played the game mainly to raid in the past 2 expansions
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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