This acc has so many oaths, and top arena rank, strong dps in raid (can yolo) With good runes~ Many Reaserch-Min in the bag, and many Lizs And Rich in gems...7k gems, millions of golds Prefer Paypal, More detail by Asking 7 *--------- (With Best Awk Skills) around 8 oaths Lvl 42 Erin lvl42 Mithy lvl40 Zeb lvl40 Shana lvl40 Lana lvl 40 Siara lvl 36 Mistra lvl34 Sion lvl34 Rania lvl32 Ciel lvl 32 Deb lvl 32 Ramia lvl30 Alex lvl30 Tami lvl30 Jacard lvl 30: Song, Kana, and Zelga 6*-------- Sylvia, Lai, Refina*2, Bunz, Lilian, Kale*2, Moon*2, Pan, selen, Miranda, Nurse,Wuru, Raiga*2, Tia*2, Nia, Ice king*4, Liz*3~4,Ice wizard, many other heros, lazy to type Line ID: rayleighbr