Sold WTS 65 Epic Bard 220aa Fully PoP flagged *Songblade+Blaring Horn of Fire* $300

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by Oddjob, 1/13/25.

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  1. Oddjob

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    Selling my 65 epic bard account on Teek with 220aa and fully flagged for PoP with Songblade, Planemasters, Nature's Melody clickies and more in bags (linked below). has tons of item effect clickies as well added to his aa list. Blaring Horn of Fire +25 brass for bonus attack for the melee dpsers and full set of Elemental armor (1bracer) 2nd bracer is the Wristband of Echoed Thoughts. (Screenshots below)
    All tower keys completed and all missions besides Oasis of Fear and Dragons to max out...

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