Hello, I am selling my account, because I begins B.A studies soon so i wont enough time to play anymore Untill i sell my account i'll keep play on my account and try to reach max exp (to be prepare to lvl 106) DESCRIPTION (January/10/2017) ACCOUNT: - Server 43, Current account name [LTK]Avihai (Change able) - VIP: 12 [27.6/40k VIP points] - (Value about 920$ to get to this lvl of VIP) - Level: 105 - (155k / 234k ) still getting about 2.8-3k exp a day ~ - Guild "Team Korea" English,Korean & spanish guild, Top in server, easy rank 1-4 “Guild Tournament” every week. - This account has no trouble getting rank 1 Arena or Grand arena everyday = easy cash daily - Even if there is trouble, helpfull guild members that will help you get up to rank 1. POWER: - All Heroes Power: 1,315K DMG - Rank 11 ~ - Heroes Stars:516 - Rank 17 ***All heroes except for some of the magic stone & guild tournament shop heroes are 5 stars*** - Grand Power Rank: 232k DMG - Rank 12 - Team Power: 80K DMG - Rank 34 ***Those 2 are pretty low since the lack of time to keep it up with heroes camp(training)*** SHOPS: *********************************** - Guild: 52k Coins *** All ***************************** - Soul shop: 370k ***** of those ********************** - Arena: 60K ************ shops heroes *********** - Grand Arena: 10k ********************** are ********* - Crusade: 60k ************************** 5 Stars*** *********************************** - Tournament: 2k Coins (getting weekly about 3-4k + bets) - only heroes that left to make 5 stars HEROES: - Front Lane: 15 Heroes Full R2 - Central Lane: 17 Heroes Full R2 - Back Lane: 8 Heroes Full R2 - The rest of the heroes are minimum Full Orange+2 (Few Red or R1, since im upgrading heroes 1 by 1 O2 to R2) HEROES CAMP: - War Hall: Level 5, slowly working on 6 at the moment~ - Furance: Level 4 - Forge: Level 5 (max for WH5) - Training Field: Level 35 (max for WH5) - Academy: Level 4 - Vault: Level 5(max for WH5) - Marketplace: Level 3, dont see any point make it higher. *** Camp is not the best, but with little of work can get to max Line ID: Avihai133 feel free to contact me about any info / Screen shots of the account or to discuss the price
Hello, I am selling my account, because I begins B.A studies soon so i wont enough time to play anymore Untill i sell my account i'll keep play on my account and try to keep it up to date DESCRIPTION (February/21/2017) ACCOUNT: - Server 43, Current account name [LTK]Avihai (Change able) - VIP: 12 [27.6/40k VIP points] - (Value about 920$ to get to this lvl of VIP) - Level: 105 - (234k / 234k ) Ready to Lvl 106 ~ - 25/46 heroes exp is maxed and ready to lvl to 106. - All heroes skills are maxed. - Guild "Team Korea" English,Korean & spanish guild, Top in server, easy rank 1-4 “Guild Tournament” every week. - This account has no trouble getting rank 1 Arena or Grand arena everyday = easy cash daily - Even if there is trouble, helpfull guild members that will help you get up to rank 1. POWER: - All Heroes Power: 1,408K DMG - Rank 9 ~ - Heroes Stars:536 - Rank 16 ***All heroes except for some of the magic stone & guild tournament shop heroes are 5 stars*** - Grand Power Rank: 232k DMG - Rank 42 - Team Power: 80K DMG - Rank 47 ***Those 2 are pretty low since the lack of time to keep it up with heroes camp(training)*** SHOPS: *********************************** - Guild: 95k Coins *** All ***************************** - Soul shop: 200k ***** of those ********************** - Arena: 85K ************ shops heroes *********** - Grand Arena: 30k ********************** are ********* - Crusade: 60k ************************** 5 Stars*** *********************************** - Tournament: 2k Coins (getting weekly about 3-4k + bets) - only heroes that left to make 5 stars HEROES: - Front Lane: 18 Heroes Full R2 - Central Lane: 19 Heroes Full R2 - Back Lane: 9 Heroes Full R2 - The rest of the heroes are minimum Full Orange+2 (Few Red or R1, since im upgrading heroes 1 by 1 O2 to R2) HEROES CAMP: - War Hall: Level 6 (Max) - Furance: Level 4 - Forge: Level 5 - Training Field: Level 41 (will be 45 in week or something ~ - Academy: Level 4 - Vault: Level 5(max for WH5) - Marketplace: Level 3, dont see any point make it higher. *** Camp is not the best, but with little of work can get to max ~~~~~~~~~PRICE REDUCED TO 300$ ~~~~~~~~~~ Line ID: Avihai133 feel free to contact me about any info / Screen shots of the account or to discuss the price