Server: Macedon Lvl: 138 Might: 1,759,413 Gold: 107,200,000,000 Main: SwordMain Merc: Odysseus, Morrighan, Naruk, Anne Bonny (Pirate), Pocahontas (Elementista), Himiko (Empress) Washinton, Okuni, Hassen, Da Vinci, Princess, Kim Yoo Shin (Hwarang) Warlord, Michael (Exorcist), Joan 'arc, Leonidas, Rin (Puppet), Cassandra, BlueTooth, Morgan Le Fey, Dharma, Carmilla (Vampire). Contact: Bruno Evaristo | Facebook Price to negotiate. The Account will come + 5 Months of Blessing and 5 Months Premiun 'Tele, patrol and 1650 Rebith Token