Selling  High End  Reboot Lvl 282 Adele / Libbed / Endgame char / OG email / Reboot Kronos

Discussion in 'Maplestory Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by karimazmi, 1/12/25.

  1. karimazmi

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    My Location:
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    Looking to sell my account on maplestory global (GMS) it is an end game account.
    240M+ CP 64K Stat Liberated weapon fully 22* 4 PB items 22* Magic eye patch & source of suffering.
    70% BD & 30 IED Familiars
    Obtained all meta oz rings 9K+ Legion 5 bossing mules all capable of soloing till lotus & damien 10B+ Weekly income mesos
    I am the direct owner of the account.

    bossing mules are

    Lvl 260 DW - 14M CP
    Lvl 260 NW - 11M CP
    Lvl 260 buccaneer - 12M CP
    Lvl 260 Hero - 10.6M CP
    Lvl 260 Shade - 11M CP
    all of the above can solo up to lomien, gear are legendary and 17* CRA / Absolab

    Lvl 225 khali - 7M CP
    can solo up to lomien but wont be as fast

    message me for more info & screenshofts

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